Texting for seniors BFF best friend fell BTW bring the wheelchair shirt
You spend Texting for seniors BFF best friend fell BTW bring the wheelchair TTYL talk to you louder BYOT bring your own teeth LMDO laughing my dentures out FWIW forgot where I was IMHAO is my hearing aid on OMMR on my massage recliner ROFLACGU rolling on the floor laughing and can’t get up shirt. Who text like this after every text, my man never goes out and when he does I leave him alone, and then he usually ends up calling or texting me.

Buy it here: Texting for seniors BFF best friend fell BTW bring the wheelchair shirt
Home: https://t-shirtat.com/

Buy it here: Texting for seniors BFF best friend fell BTW bring the wheelchair shirt
Home: https://t-shirtat.com/
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