I’m not clumsy it’s just the floor hates me the tables and chairs shirt
Forty-two years was not too late to be kind to me. I’m not clumsy it’s just the floor hates me the tables and chairs are bullies and the wall gets in my wall shirt who remind me on days I forget. I’m so stealing that wording ‘you need to shut your bully up’. For myself. And for a few people close to me who put themselves down when they are beautiful just as they are! It was like giving her a knighthood the way she sat a little taller, held her head a little higher, and let her dreams soar a little further.

Buy it here: I’m not clumsy it’s just the floor hates me the tables and chairs shirt
Home: https://t-shirtat.com/

Buy it here: I’m not clumsy it’s just the floor hates me the tables and chairs shirt
Home: https://t-shirtat.com/
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