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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2018

Emma Chamberlain sad boi your shirt

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Each time you see the worst rather than the best in Emma Chamberlain sad boi your shirt. Every day you speak up for the ones you love. Today, why not speak up for yourself? Having empathy for others increases empathy for yourself. If you find yourself judging or criticizing someone, stop yourself and consider what unseen burdens her or she might be carrying. Whether it be someone you love, someone you work with, or a complete stranger, acknowledging their unseen burdens creates compassion not just for them, but also for you. Last week is too. Buy it here:  Emma Chamberlain sad boi your shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

A girl who really loved books and cats it was me the end shirt

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But I’ve landed squarely inside this moment when so much is Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved books and cats it was me the end shirt, I also see these as little messages to me. Today’s message is to remember to be kind in everything you do and say. There is always room for kindness. It doesn’t take much effort. A smile for someone who is not smiling even when you don’t feel like smiling. It’s contagious. Give it a try. And mostly be kind to yourself. Buy it here:  A girl who really loved books and cats it was me the end shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I’m not clumsy it’s just the floor hates me the tables and chairs shirt

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Forty-two years was not too late to be kind to me. I’m not clumsy it’s just the floor hates me the tables and chairs are bullies and the wall gets in my wall shirt who remind me on days I forget. I’m so stealing that wording ‘you need to shut your bully up’. For myself. And for a few people close to me who put themselves down when they are beautiful just as they are! It was like giving her a knighthood the way she sat a little taller, held her head a little higher, and let her dreams soar a little further. Buy it here:  I’m not clumsy it’s just the floor hates me the tables and chairs shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

My house is an Elf free zone there’s enough Tiny little assholes shirt

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Do you know what that My house is an Elf free zone there’s enough Tiny little assholes messing up my house already shirt to in times of trouble rather than an enemy to fear and hide information. My older daughter recently turned 14. She came to me the other day visibly upset. She’d messed up. I could see the infraction was tearing her up. I could see she was trying to come up with a plan to fix it. It was a learning experience just like my speeding warning. Our mother doesn’t care enough. Buy it here:  My house is an Elf free zone there’s enough Tiny little assholes shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Rick and Morty I’m not arguing I’m explaining sunset retro shirt

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Every time I mustered that little extra time, Rick and Morty I’m not arguing I’m explaining why I’m right sunset retro shirt, I love you. I would be thankful I stayed. I would be thankful I didn’t miss that moment to accomplish things that don’t really matter in the end. This list is posted in honor of those who are not able to listen to their loved ones’ heartbeats tonight. I send love and healing thoughts to you now. Just wanted to share that I am participating in a free online summit on raising siblings that might be helpful to those of you who posted here.  Buy it here:  Rick and Morty I’m not arguing I’m explaining sunset retro shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Baby Unicorn and Stitch best friend shirt

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For several minutes she is free to ask the questions she ponders to a Baby Unicorn and Stitch best friend shirt. I always answer them as truthfully as I can with the hopes that she may continue to turn to me for answers. Isn’t that what we all truly long to have the freedom to ask the questions of life? I recently began listening to my husband’s heart. There is no age limit on the benefits of this practice. I was there last night as well and enjoyed hearing your stories in person. Buy it here:  Baby Unicorn and Stitch best friend shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

The Big Lebowski The Dude Yeah well you know that’s just like your shirt

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Today will be a hard day for our The Big Lebowski The Dude Yeah well you know that’s just like your opinion man retro sunset shirt. People will be unkind. Before we respond, let’s remember that’s fear talking. That’s pain coming out. The world is hurting. You are hurting. I am hurting. She is hurting. He is hurting. But there is hope. And that hope resides in us. As you go about your day today, remember two words: Stranger solidarity. Perhaps she will be in the line behind you at a fast-food restaurant or riding alongside you in the elevator. Buy it here:  The Big Lebowski The Dude Yeah well you know that’s just like your shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

January girls are not Fragile like a flower we are Fragile like a bomb shirt

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Some would look at this photo and never believe it was January girls are not Fragile like a flower we are Fragile like a bomb shirt. It was. I was there. This was my favorite one. The beloved uncle arrives, the cousins laugh, the musician tunes, the sun shines down on all. Love outweighed the pain. Laughter overpowered the heartache. I think tragedies bring out the best and worst of people. Beating myself up over past mistakes only deprives me of knowing her today. Buy it here:  January girls are not Fragile like a flower we are Fragile like a bomb shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Vert Der Ferk Chef Knife retro sunset shirt

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Today I will choose kindness because everyone can make a Vert Der Ferk Chef Knife retro sunset shirt – one kindness at a time. Thank you for your beautiful voice in this ugly situation. Please remember the first responders who see the terrible carnage, but have to wait to deal with it. They especially need our prayers. I’m right there with you, shoulder to shoulder ready to extend a hand or kind word or gesture that might provide a glimmer of hope today. It was truly a gift to share time and stories and watch out for a fellow being. Buy it here:  Vert Der Ferk Chef Knife retro sunset shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I just want to drink beer love my teacher and take naps shirt

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I told her I would not be bothering her again as we would not be returning. I guess I’m a noticer because I just want to drink beer love my teacher and take naps shirt. I just hope when/if he outgrows this phase he will remember it and always say hi to the kid on the sidelines. You are in the perfect role at church greeter.  I will always remember moving to a new community & being asked to leave by the woman in the pew in front of me because my then 3-year-old daughter was talking quietly to me during the service.  Buy it here:  I just want to drink beer love my teacher and take naps shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Grinch my dogs are the reason I wake up every morning shirt

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I know it’s hard to give it to yourself, but I hope that today you will make it a priority. Even for just a little bit. I remember reading this the first time you shared it when life was really tough and I just couldn’t see a way out. While things have come a long way since then, what I have noticed is that’s it’s not only our children who absorb what we are putting out. Thank you for all the love and support this week for my family and my upcoming book release. Buy it here:  Grinch my dogs are the reason I wake up every morning shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

DA Bears bye bye bye see you again next season shirt

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If it is, speak in a tone that can be heard. Listen in a way that conveys their voice holds value. Think to yourself: That’s someone’s baby. That’s my baby. Seeing him or her as a human being who is learning and growing can offer a shred of patience and perspective to get you through a trying moment. Designed specially for people with busy lives, you can literally open the book to any page and find a short read that will re-route your day and life in a positive, loving direction. Please remember: Love prevails over failures, flaws, and even disastrous mornings. Buy it here:  DA Bears bye bye bye see you again next season shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Papa is my name fishing is my game shirt

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It is beautiful what a cake can do. The same can be said for dinner made together, a puzzle worked on side by side, and any number of other activities – just like Miss Faith helped you realize all those years ago not too many, of course!, you help all of us see the Good to be found in what feels bad. You help us find the Light amidst the pitch black of our inner critic. Its all in the way we look at it. much love to your whole crew as you navigate the painful path of grief. Buy it here:  Papa is my name fishing is my game shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Budweiser and watch my team beat your team’s ass shirt

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Thank you for accepting it. You are making a difference! Thank you so much for this. I work part-time, so I often feel I don’t contribute enough financially. I am part-time at home mom and feel I don’t give enough for my kids. The house is not always clean, dinner is not always made so sometimes I feel I’ve let my husband down in not pulling my weight. But my kids scream for me when I enter the room and leap into my arms and don’t feel complete. Buy it here:  Budweiser and watch my team beat your team’s ass shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Sorry I can’t it’s tech week shirt

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When I read the words on the pages, I feel like I’m having an enlightening heart-to-heart conversation with wise and loving mentors. Through relatable stories and practical strategies, Marc and Angel lay out the small step process that allowed them to move from despair and desolation to hope and positivity. Every time I read each of your posts they are so timely and gifts to my soul that I am so very grateful to reopen again and again. It’s like your seeing into my heart and thoughts. Love you and so incredibly grateful for you. Buy it here:  Sorry I can’t it’s tech week shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

The rolling stone tour of the Americas 75 shirt

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This made me cry so hard! We’re heading to Hailee Steinfeld Bumblebee The rolling stone tour of the Americas 75 shirt. Also, Avery is going to be the most amazing music therapist. She already is one and an amazing one at that. She notices what people need to feel better. Sending love and blessings that everything went smoothly today. I am going through this now with my middle schooler. He wants to be an athlete. I admire his dedication, determined drive. I gently try to steer him towards other careers that do involve his love of sports. Buy it here:  The rolling stone tour of the Americas 75 shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

The Smiths the queen is dead shirt

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Thank you for walking your path and reminding us to Hailee Steinfeld Bumblebee The Smiths the queen is dead shirt!  Your stories and your inspirations mean so much to me. This ‘journey of kindness’ reminds me of the day it’s magical quality touched me with no words and no context. I was at a stoplight the world felt a little bleak that day for various reasons, being a notice I was observing the crowd waiting to cross. Buy it here:  The Smiths the queen is dead shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Yes I really do need all these cats shirt

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May your summer have less stress and more days of smiles and giggles. I am grateful Yes I really do need all these cats shirt. Holding your hand in solidarity. You are doing a great job as a mom! Thank you for sharing your insights and children with us. I love Marc and Angel! I preordered the book and received it last week. This inspired me to open it now! Thank you for always saying just what we need to hear! Thank you for the words. I had something thoughtful to say after my son had a disappointing loss in an academic competition. Buy it here:  Yes I really do need all these cats shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Vintage The Dood Goldendoodle shirt

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I’m so grateful. I  will tell Natalie her envelopes brought you to Vintage The Dood Goldendoodle shirt. That means so much! Our hearts are overflowing with the love you’ve just passed our way, Rachel. Thank you so much for filling our hearts and supporting work by sharing these excerpts from our new book. It’s beyond wonderful to hear how our words are inspiring you, because you always inspire us, too. I  love every word of this and the idea of Open When envelopes! Buy it here:  Vintage The Dood Goldendoodle shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Stupid tree sunset shirt

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Harley loved me unconditionally thru it all. Stupid tree sunset shirt, peaceful and I am on a good journey. He died on the same date he came into my life. He was here through it all. I can’t imagine the hole that’s in your heart and life without Harley. I am so thankful he was there when you most needed him. Blessings and love to you. Thank you so much for sharing. I love orange cats so much and that handsome boy caught my eye. You’re beyond amazing & your daughters & husband/ family & friends are so blessed to have you! Buy it here:  Stupid tree sunset shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I’m the boss but my German Shorthaired Pointer is still in denial shirt

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Tonight I was on a mission I’m the boss but my German Shorthaired Pointer is still in denial shirt. It had been a tiring day, and I just wanted to be alone. She asked if she could listen to my heartbeat. Reluctantly, I stretched out beside her and she drew her head to my chest. Tonight I chose to love. It wasn’t my first response, but that took nothing away from its significance. I share the same heartbeat with two precious souls, and that’s enough to get me through. I  often feel people at work get the best of me and my kids get the rest of me. Buy it here:  I’m the boss but my German Shorthaired Pointer is still in denial shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Yorkshire Terrier vintage retro classic shirt

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You don’t just figure this out once and then never have a Yorkshire Terrier vintage retro classic shirt. It’s the journey Every day to see the good, to be good. Thank you! Reading your inserts always give me a feeling of affirmation. Love, Love, Love reading your post! I always told my children to be kind when someone was ugly because you never know what it took for them to get to that point in their day. Thank you – my inner critic has been particularly harsh lately and I feel like I’m drowning in my own negative thoughts. Buy it here:  Yorkshire Terrier vintage retro classic shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I never imagined I would be a super cool Cane Corso mom shirt

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Thank you for this post! I never imagined I would be a super cool Cane Corso mom but here I am killing it shirt is bigger than my love! I love you now and always, no matter what! Thank you for sharing. I had this conversation with both of my oldest sons recently. This winter, instead of pushing myself through the difficult days, I loved myself through them. Those periods when I chose to be gentle with myself were not necessarily productive or efficient. Buy it here:  I never imagined I would be a super cool Cane Corso mom shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

My Bernese mountain dog is my Bff shirt

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I’ve poured my heart and energy into creating a My Bernese mountain dog is my Bff shirt for those yearning to change the way they respond to themselves, loved ones, circumstances, and emotional triggers. Designed for people with busy lives, the lessons in this course can be completed in a few minutes, but the strategies can be easily applied. You may follow along with me or go at your own pace. And the best part: all the course content is available to you for life anytime you need it. Buy it here:  My Bernese mountain dog is my Bff shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Real women own a Cane Corso shirt

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They have really helped with one of the Real women own a Cane Corso shirt is feeling like her sister.  Even children who are not on the brink you describe would no doubt benefit from these amazing affirmations. I will be buying journals for my children this lunchtime to get started on this conversation. Thank you, as always. I was inspired to write this after reading a middle schooler’s note of desperation. He said he needed someone to talk to, but could not talk to his parents.  Buy it here:  Real women own a Cane Corso shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Weekend forecast 100% chance of bloody marys shirt

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I have that same bully in my head. Weekend forecast 100% chance of bloody marys shirt to get over major grief and to get my $h*! together when everyone else knows I am healing. And then when I take the time to breathe, my inner bully tells me I am doing that wrong. But I will continue to breathe, moment by moment and even specific times when that is all I am expected to do. Again you make me feel as if I am not alone. I have that same mean bully. Then I saw this. Now I am trying to breathe. Buy it here:  Weekend forecast 100% chance of bloody marys shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Whatever sprinkles your donuts shirt

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Bringing tears to my eyes again. Whatever sprinkles your donuts shirt; but I try to do so much good, too, and that’s where my heart lives. Thanks for sharing again. There is so much power in noticing and being noticed.  You have a beautiful way with words. From your story, we could be soul sisters. At least we have faith. This reminded me of the greatest woman I ever knew. My Grandmother. I miss her so much. But her examples of dealing with hard life is my resort when I need help. Buy it here:  Whatever sprinkles your donuts shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Sunflower childhood cancer awareness shirt

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Last week, as my daughter and walked up to Sunflower childhood cancer awareness shirt, I saw the women in their usual spot. I felt a twinge of something I couldn’t explain in my stomach. It was not a pleasant feeling – perhaps anxiety, embarrassment, awkwardness? Whatever it was, that feeling made me feel like not trying anymore. I stopped my daughter several feet away from the waiting area and suggested we watch some games going on. That is when the best possible result that could happen from this experience occurred. Buy it here:  Sunflower childhood cancer awareness shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Remind me to take attendance shirt

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I had the same situation for a Remind me to take attendance shirt, and it feels exactly like you described: stressful and unwelcoming. I am so sorry you went through that. There are lessons everywhere, on how to interview others for a job, how to be a decent landlord, how best to treat a customer, how to BE a customer. And so forth. As my family is going thru some troubling relationship issues this statement spoke straight to my heart today. Thank you so much for bringing light to what could just be a negative encounter and reminding all of us that there is so much more out there! Buy it here:  Remind me to take attendance shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

It’s a Christmas movie and hot chocolate kind of day shirt

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Much of the bully in my head: It’s a Christmas movie and hot chocolate kind of day shirt. We have a choice. Antidotes to this negative conditioning come through action. Words work in conjunction with active efforts through action, albeit, yoga, prayer, meditation, and physical activities that replenish the spirit, mind, and body. Challenge the thinking. Instead of replacing a thought that is difficult, apply the antidotes. Honor the feelings from an observer perspective. Instill the instinctive.   Buy it here:  It’s a Christmas movie and hot chocolate kind of day shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Naunty definition like a normal aunt only nurse shirt

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Only love today, you’re enough, you don’t have to know it all that I feel a Naunty definition like a normal aunt only nurse shirt, I’m able to get the rest my body craves, but my mind won’t let it have. I have only good intentions in telling you that I think the Good Lord is working through you to invoke wholeness, peace, hope and all the kinds of faith one needs along with the love in those around you and follow your writing. Thank you for your reminders. It’s hard to remember that we don’t have to do it all. Buy it here:  Naunty definition like a normal aunt only nurse shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Mama needs Christmas Margarita shirt, sweater

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She thought of that herself! I could have felt guilty then – knowing I often assumed lack of ability for Mama needs Christmas Margarita shirt, sweater, laid back child when it was really lack of opportunity. But I refuse to live in regret, so I focused only on today and what I’d just learned about my daughter and myself. And that’s when I got a little glimpse of the future. This curly-haired musician with a big heart for animals and elderly people would travel the world. Buy it here:  Mama needs Christmas Margarita shirt, sweater Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Snoopy I have congestive heart failure I don’t have the energy shirt

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The Presence Pledge I wrote as a goal for myself soon became the perfect Snoopy I have congestive heart failure I don’t have the energy to pretend I like you today shirt. Each time I give the following words to someone and say, This is what you do, there are always tears. We all want to know that we’ve made someone’s life better. We all want to know we matter. If you know of someone like this, please consider this gift. I hope you feel comfortable in your skin, not constantly wondering how many things you need to change before you’re loved and celebrated. Buy it here:  Snoopy I have congestive heart failure I don’t have the energy shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I love you more than yesterday yesterday you got on my nerves shirt

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I agree with most and as usual beautifully written but hard times are not always temporary. I love you more than yesterday yesterday you got on my nerves shirt do just get harder for people. I have worn the bracelet I bought from your store with this saying on it every day since it arrived. It grounds me. It reminds me. It guides me. Thank you for your inspiration. It has made a difference to so many, including me. Thank you for this post, it’s much needed already as we move towards the holiday. Buy it here:  I love you more than yesterday yesterday you got on my nerves shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I’m a simple woman I like wine and paw dog shirt

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He sat on the bench and didn’t play that I’m a simple woman I like wine and paw dog shirt to see how sad he was. But, he has never forgotten his jersey since. I’m always a work in progress. Thanks for another great post! I think it was one of your earlier posts that inspired me to let my kids pack for the recent trip. They loved writing their own checklists too. But what I loved most about this list above is you are giving them balance and perspective and hope. Thank you so much for seeing her packing list with such a beautiful, healing, and uplifting viewpoint. Buy it here:  I’m a simple woman I like wine and paw dog shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Anita sunshine mixed with a little hurricane shirt

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What might happen if we were to start looking for Anita sunshine mixed with a little hurricane shirt – times when they’re most open and hungry for words of acceptance and assurance? This event promises to be a restorative morning time to catch your breath, gain some beneficial tools, be inspired, and make meaningful connections. Plus, I love to receive your hugs and hear your stories. Ticket sales close in 2 days. Buy it here:  Anita sunshine mixed with a little hurricane shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Dear Santa I know I wasn’t a good person this year shirt

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Praying for them is also a Dear Santa I know I wasn’t a good person this year but I didn’t kill anyone either and you know how bad I wanted to that should count for something right shirt. We all need to follow her example of letting those come as they are. I almost started crying while reading this bc what Avery said was what I wanted my father to say and do for me during my medical trial a few years ago. I signed up for Soul Shift but then was very ill and never connected up. Buy it here:  Dear Santa I know I wasn’t a good person this year shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Photographer all I ever do is edit shirt

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Just keep giving yourself grace and Photographer all I ever do is edit shirt. I remember right after My mom passed away suddenly when I went back to work I kept telling what had happened over and over. I think it was my way of making sense of it all. One coworker wasn’t so understanding and I overheard her say why doesn’t she just shut up. Enough already. I remember how hurt I was. See you can’t judge until you’ve walked in someone’s shoes. So let them feel what they feel. Buy it here:  Photographer all I ever do is edit shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Nobody test my Gangsta more than my 2nd child shirt

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If your day or your life falls and breaks into a Nobody test my Gangsta more than my 2nd child shirt – pick up one piece and start again. Sounds like you might have someone with unruly, curly hair like I do at my house! We can do this! My little Joyologist had a rough time last night, making a few mistakes during a dance performance. She tends to be hard on herself. This is perfect timing, with perfect words. I can’t wait to show this to her. Your words will mean so much. Buy it here:  Nobody test my Gangsta more than my 2nd child shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Grinch you always have a choice choose kindness Christmas shirt, sweater

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Why couldn’t you have been Grinch you always have a choice choose kindness Christmas shirt, sweater? That’s ok we are working on the here and now. Thank you, dear April, you are living proof that is it never too late to become the parent you always wanted to be. I am so inspired by the progress you have made over the years and the commitment you make daily to keep showing up and choosing love.  I am doing my best to pass all your wealth of knowledge on to my girls so they can break the cycle with their children and do better.  Buy it here:  Grinch you always have a choice choose kindness Christmas shirt, sweater Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Adidachs Dachshund Adidas shirt

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I hope the heartbeat check provides connection and peace. Sending you strength for the Adidachs Dachshund Adidas shirt, and hope for you and your husband.  I usually do bedtime alone, 5 years old wants to be with us, so the same bedtime for each. 2 years old is dropping her nap and just wants to get to sleep, gets cross if her sister whispers to me. Elder also invariably falls asleep so she’s missing this important time as I keep having to ask her to be quiet. See more:  Adidachs Dachshund Adidas shirt

In case of accident my blood type is Mtn Dew shirt

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I grew up thinking when you went to a cemetery, In case of accident my blood type is Mtn Dew shirt, make yourself as small as you could to not disrespect any other graves or mourners, and to at least look sad even if you didn’t feel it. Rewriting those expectations for myself is really freeing. She is my living reminder that yesterday is gone so what’s the point of wallowing in regret? Beating myself up over past mistakes only deprives me of knowing her today. See more:  In case of accident my blood type is Mtn Dew shirt

The Notorious B.I.G Gimme the Lute Gimme the Lute shirt

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My children love when I lay my head on their chests and tell The Notorious B.I.G Gimme the Lute Gimme the Lute shirt. While one girl’s heartbeat check brings laughter so intense that hiccups result, the other child’s heartbeat check inspires solemn talks of death, tornados, and terrorists. I am certain there is nothing more hopeful than the sound of the human heart. I recently began listening to my husband’s heart. There is no age limit on the benefits of this practice.  See more:  The Notorious B.I.G Gimme the Lute Gimme the Lute shirt

Fuck Tom Brady Steelers shirt

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No matter how challenging the day no matter how discouraged I feel. no matter how dismal the state of our world, the heartbeat check offers solace. I wrote about this practice in one of my books and many people have let me know they experienced powerful results from it. You are an amazing writer, coming straight from your heart. I have lost years with mine as well, in and out throughout their lives. See more:  Fuck Tom Brady Steelers shirt

Australian Flag bloody legend shirt

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As you go about your day today, remember two words: Stranger solidarity. Perhaps she will be in the line behind you at a fast-food restaurant or riding alongside you in the elevator. See her – the one with her hands clasped together looking for a glimmer of hope, just like you. Her heart beats, just like yours. Her burdens get heavy at times, just like yours. See more:  Australian Flag bloody legend shirt

3 Ninjas Rocky loves Emily masks shirt

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Thank you for your kind words. I meet the loveliest souls on this page. Such a loving community, I cherish it so much. It was meant to be. It will be hard to let him go, but we will make sure he goes to the perfect family. He would be a great companion to a chronic pain patient. Thank you, it sure took me a long time to see it, but I’m grateful to finally get it this experience is healing me. See more:   3 Ninjas Rocky loves Emily masks shirt

New Year same hot mess shirt

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I will ask myself how my response might lighten the load. Please join me. This is how we heal the world. This as I walked my dog and pondered the day’s news, I began by praying for every home on my street. As I drive today I will pray for every driver. I am praying for my city, the greater metroplex, the state I live in, the nation. I pray today for the broken-hearted. See more:  New Year same hot mess shirt

This job thing sure is messing up my camping career shirt

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In a world where conflict bubbles up so This job thing sure is messing up my camping career shirt so thoughtlessly where lives are busy and minds are distracted, I’m training myself to stop at the sight of suffering and respond with love.  I might not be able to relieve the suffering, but I can try. And if I stop for you, perhaps you’ll stop for me. We’ll train ourselves to stop for suffering. This is how we’ll heal the world. And find our peace and purpose in the process. See more:  This job thing sure is messing up my camping career shirt

Best friend Mickey Mouse and Grinch shirt

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This is absolutely beautiful!! We are called to Best friend Mickey Mouse and Grinch shirt. A small show of love goes a long way! Getting the groceries is my excuse for going to store, the real reason is that I want to Mickey Mouse and Grinch as I can and let them know they are not invisible, that someone sees them, that someone will listen or simply return their smile.  See more:  Best friend Mickey Mouse and Grinch shirt

Dear Santa I like dollars I like diamonds Okurrr Christmas shirt, sweater

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Now don’t get me wrong – there was sorry there was stress there were tears there was angst. There were no words at times, just muffled sobs. Yes, there were hard, hard moments. But there were glory moments too. This was my favorite one. The beloved uncle arrives, the cousins laugh, the musician tunes, the sun shines down on all. Serenity reigned as we surrendered pieces of ourselves and unfinished plans into fresh soil. It is in times like these that we must tilt our head to the side and see things as we’ve never seen them before. See more:  Dear Santa I like dollars I like diamonds Okurrr Christmas shirt, sweater