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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2019

There are two types of people in this world shirt

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 I was devastated to hear it and felt like in some way I could have should have stopped it because she was so nice to me. Why is it we don’t want to accept kind words directed to us? Thank you for posting it made remember that one time someone told me. And it makes me want to send my inner critic away more. This story is very touching and motivates me to want to say something kind to everyone I come in contact with today. Buy it here:  There are two types of people in this world shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Black lives matter white lives matter all lives matter #stopthedivision shirt

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When you see your loved one deal with let down in a healthy way, recognize and affirm it. I really admire the way you helped your classmate with his reading struggles this year. Not many people would take the time to do that, but you did. Traits like kindness, generosity, and selflessness are typically not on report cards but can contribute to a fulfilling and contented life. If your loved one exhibits such qualities, say something. Buy it here:  Black lives matter white lives matter all lives matter #stopthedivision shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Love #mimilife shirt

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Feel free to email me and I will make sure you get your pre-order bonuses – may take me a day or two, but you will get it! My day was going well until I made a mistake. As a result of my carelessness, I broke a gift someone gave me. It meant a lot to me and I’m not sure the bracelet can be fixed. I’m mad at myself bc if I had been paying attention, it might not have happened. Buy it here:  Love #mimilife shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Don’t like me fuck off problem solved shirt

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 I don’t talk to myself very nicely. It was a moment to reflect on what beauty and stunning looks like. There is a gorgeous warmth that radiates from your face that feels peaceful and welcoming. Thank you for sharing your beauty with us. That is the only time that truly matters and this is perfect in its simplicity. Now can be the time to see your own beauty. Now can be the time to appreciate your loud laugh or your crooked teeth. Buy it here:  Don’t like me fuck off problem solved shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Anti-social Mama shirt

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To give my husband love and attention when he reaches out to me tonight. This morning my Monday took an unexpected turn that included a crying child with a bad allergy flare up, a trip to the doctor, a trip to the pharmacy, and a trip to school for makeup work.  To me, most important is to be like a child and be happy with my daughter. This one thing I am pursuing so long, but the stress of being a mother stops me frequently. Buy it here:  Anti-social Mama shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

He makes Beauty out of Chaos shirt

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There is always space for this, and there is always the ability to let go of the old. Just need to check the use by date! This was certainly true for my dentist today. She gave me the greatest gift of all when she listened, supported and encouraged me through a hard time. She also hugged me as well. She’s a rare gem in the medical field. One of those people who cares about the whole patient as a person. I know there are others like her out there. I definitely give thanks for them! Buy it here:  He makes Beauty out of Chaos shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Stop asking why I’m a bitch I don’t ask why you’re so stupid shirt

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Even at 69, I am still learning what is important! Thank you for this beautiful reminder. I struggle with taking in the now on a good day, but this year has been riddled with family illness, loss of a dear friend, unemployment in addition to the everyday stress of life. Every year, I spend the first-day having students write me a letter about what I need to know about them, who they are, what they bring to this experience. Buy it here:  Stop asking why I’m a bitch I don’t ask why you’re so stupid shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I am Grumpy Veteran I served I sacrificed I don’t regret shirt

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 I shall keep digging deep and sharing what I find, for it connects us in healing & hopeful ways. Please keep us posted! Your words; thoughts are what I think. I feel like giving up, take it as rejection. Buying one of my books means my publisher sees that my work is valued and should continue. I would love to keep writing all my life – with your support, I can. Thank you for these beautiful words. Buy it here:  I am Grumpy Veteran I served I sacrificed I don’t regret shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Brandy highly eccentric extra tough and super sarcastic shirt

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The kids were so engaged. I love that because if we lived from a place of love, acceptance and took time to see the blessings we are or can be in each other’s lives then there is flow! You helped me remember my purpose and goal with them, with all to meet those we love, with love. Still learning to effectively communicate with my grown children and their teenaged children. Buy it here:  Brandy highly eccentric extra tough and super sarcastic shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

St Patrick’s Day drink up bitches shirt

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Also, perfect message extending beyond animal shelters. Everyone needs a champion, an advocate. I just know it. We will keep loving him until that person finds his or her way to him. So I asked my bestie if she’d consider me putting out a call for an ‘act of love’ to a large group of my FB friends in a closed group private message, in the hope that someone would answer the call she was excited by my offer but didn’t hold out a lot of hope. We can gather so much hope from each other. Buy it here:  St Patrick’s Day drink up bitches shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

New England Patriots fueled by haters shirt

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I love this story! You are awesome! Thanks for always being real, and speaking from the heart. I will definitely apply this to my girl and her reading level and sports and bike riding. Keep sharing your truth. It was meant to be. Each person has something to offer. You know. Everyone comes into your life for a reason! I know that you came into my life at the right time! I would drive there from Naples if you came! Buy it here:  New England Patriots fueled by haters shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Fyre Festival Failure Music JA Rule Vintage Faded joke shirt

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This approach did nothing to improve the situation. This response brings down the defenses, validates her feelings, and put us on the same team working toward a common goal. I wish I could take back the years I harped on my child about her messy room and messy ways until I blew up. It’s always nice to see a familiar face in the comment threads! I hope you are well, dear friend. Did you see that I got to see Francesca when I spoke in CA last week? What a treat! Buy it here:  Fyre Festival Failure Music JA Rule Vintage Faded joke shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

At my age I’m not a snack I’m a happy meal I come with toys and kids shirt

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My daughter smiles with her whole heart- it lights up a room. She loves to make her brother laugh with this smile. Nothing more beautiful than the sound of my children giggling together! I need to slow down and just be. It seems like the easiest, yet hardest thing to do. We’re so overextended, overbooked, over-stressed all of our own doing. After the man collected himself, he told me he just wanted peace. He just wanted to live a happy life. Buy it here:  At my age I’m not a snack I’m a happy meal I come with toys and kids shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Elephant I’m happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine shirt

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Give more of myself, be kinder, be present, stop using harsh words, love on my children and husband more. It’s such a slow journey for me. Thank you for writing about the hope and for giving me hope. I still remember the exact moment when I had this same realization with my son and daughter. Thank you for sharing this and I hope many other mothers and fathers have that awakening within them. It is surely a life changer for all involved. This struck a cord with me. Buy it here:  Elephant I’m happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I’d love to do whatever I want but I’m not a dad #mom life shirt

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My almost two year old loves when I read to her and tries to spend as much time in bed having cuddles in the morning as she can. She has the cheesiest grin her eyes light up when I mention taking her shopping already! They are both so precious and I desperately wish I had more time and energy with them. I know life will settle and I have to hope that they know how much I love them until then. Your wisdom also applies to my situation. I took early retirement to move next to my elderly mother. She cannot drive, is sometimes confused, and is easily stressed. Buy it here:  I’d love to do whatever I want but I’m not a dad #mom life shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Veronica highly eccentric extra tough and super sarcastic shirt

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I mentioned it to a friend a few days ago when she thanked me for a vulnerable piece I’d written. I told her that instead of getting more immune to the critics as time passes, I am getting more sensitive and that makes it harder. I often find myself reaching up to hold the beautiful medallion around my neck that was made by an artist who attended one of my speaking events. Buy it here:  Veronica highly eccentric extra tough and super sarcastic shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Official Stevie Nicks shirt

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The driver was someone I did not know well, and I soon discovered he liked to take risks. As we navigated the steep and curvy two-mile entrance to my college, the driver turned off the headlights and pressed on the gas. He haphazardly hugged the road’s narrow shoulder as he took each dangerous curve.  Although I’d desperately wanted to say, Okay, man, that’s enough, I could not speak. I was paralyzed in the backseat, gripping the door handle so tightly it felt like my fingernails were bleeding. Buy it here:  Official Stevie Nicks shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Dear Racists in America car is Japanese beer is German shirt

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Taiwanese fashion is French shirt, two days before his older daughter’s bat mitzvah, leaving her and I and her younger sister, along with everyone who knew him, shocked, blindsided and completely devastated. Every day since then I’ve been trying to just pick up the pieces and put one foot in front of the other in hopes that my girls will be able to follow suit and try to follow my example. What a meaningful message to hear about my work! I feel like there was another post a while back about the beauty of dirt under the fingernails and holding on. Buy it here:  Dear Racists in America car is Japanese beer is German shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Dog mom with tattoos pretty eyes thick and thighs shirt

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I’d point out the wisdom, experience, and tools you are gaining through this trial and speculate the magnificent way in which they will be used one day to make your world, our world, better. Then I’d kiss your cheek and we’d listen to the Counting Crows iconic song, Long December, because music is your thing, just like it is mine. We’d put our hands together and hope together as Adam Duritz soothing voice fills your tiny living room. Buy it here:  Dog mom with tattoos pretty eyes thick and thighs shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I didn’t plan on becoming a baseball mom who yells a lot but here I am shirt

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Bless you, precious Rachel for lifting not only your friend up, but so many, many others. I needed reminding of all of this after the past 4m in my life. We were living in a not so great part of the city, and my dad was not home that night. So, I lit a candle, put it on a plate on the floor, and finally fell asleep. I jumped out of bed, ran downstairs, got the water hose, and put the fire out. Buy it here:  I didn’t plan on becoming a baseball mom who yells a lot but here I am shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Stitch touch me and I will Bite you shirt

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When they were small I never tired of kissing the warm cheek that rested on their pillow. Sweet times to be treasured! Now I watch them kiss their own children and listen to them marvel at the love they feel! It really does fix you and it is boundless and eternal! My love for this child will endure harsh elements, discord, distance, and time. This I know for sure. Perhaps it is one of the few things on earth that is eternal. Buy it here:  Stitch touch me and I will Bite you shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Stop making drama you’re not Shakespeare shirt

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Yes, I can be an a-hole, but it has been only to help you become the greatest mother/person I have had the honor to know. This was so beautifully expressed and really touched me. I love watching my children grow, but it is also sad for me because I love my babies so much. This outlook is so helpful! Beautifully written. Every word resonated. I’m glad to read someone else understands watching your child walk away when you drop them off- it’s a mama thing. Buy it here:  Stop making drama you’re not Shakespeare shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Pokemon Charmander voices told me to burn things shirt

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Your words here are so helpful, and they are a guiding light to me, for which I am so grateful. It helps to know I’m not the only one struggling or dealing with these issues. I have infinite gratitude for your courage, honesty, and open-heartedness Rachel. I think there are so many of us trying to climb this mountain which is parenthood and you give us hope that we can make it. Many blessings to you. I cry with gratitude over these most beautiful words you have written that are the balm to my soul. Buy it here:  Pokemon Charmander voices told me to burn things shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Stitch Dutch Bros coffee shirt

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 I love this post. I don’t struggle to navigate and go places, but I was reminded that I need to be patient with folks who do – like my husband. That fear is real. Then it made me think about in what situations I feel exactly like you detailed. For me, it is in social situations, gathers, parties. I am thankful for the grace that is shown to me in those instances because I am terrified and put off by small talk. Buy it here:  Stitch Dutch Bros coffee shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Just a woman who loves skull and has tattoos shirt

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A cat’s meow stirred me from my reverie, and I quickly came back to the present moment. Standing outside the door was a young man who loved cats, and I had the keys. As my child and I laid there in silence, my hand in hers, I distinctly remember watching other kids win the awards and accolades I thought I had a chance to earn. One middle school year was especially soul-crushing. But how I felt about not getting that award may not necessarily be how my child feels. Buy it here:  Just a woman who loves skull and has tattoos shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Don’t ever put me in a situation where I show you how heartless shirt

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I would’ve wanted one person to look at me and not see the worst in me but see the hope in me. Little did I know my belief became his key to better choices and eventually a better life. My friends, I’m sure you have noticed, as I have, that many people are hurting these days; we are hurting individually and collectively. And I think this might be a good place to begin healing to assume the best, rather than the worst, about each other and who we are. Buy it here:  Don’t ever put me in a situation where I show you how heartless shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

If you’re an uptight non cussing fancy schmancy nurse shirt

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Over the past four years, this teacher came to know this child and encourage her unique and vibrant light to shine. After the fifth-grade graduation the other night, this teacher said to my daughter, Don’t you ever leave my life! Can you imagine? It means for a handful of minutes, I push away my distractions, my to-do’s, my worries and regrets to offer my undivided presence to my child. Sometimes they would ask me to come in and lie down next to them. Buy it here:  If you’re an uptight non cussing fancy schmancy nurse shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Fat sweaty and strong AF shirt

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 Thank you for seeing pain and loneliness and responding with compassion and love. I believe this is our highest calling. Thank you for accepting it. You are making a difference! Thank you so much for this. It was a hard day today. This is just what my daughter and I needed. I am jumping into being a foster parent in the near future and want to have this emblazoned in my mind when days feel long. Buy it here:  Fat sweaty and strong AF shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I have red hair because God knew I needed a warning label shirt

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Here is the original post so you can understand why I connect shame with the lack of self-love I have been demonstrating for my body. It sounds like you have a very healthy balance in your life. You are more than one opinion, one poor choice, or one Saturday night mistake. Thank you for your life-changing words of love! Wishing I lived closer to one of your events, please let me know when Houston is one of your stops, I will be the first one in line! Buy it here:  I have red hair because God knew I needed a warning label shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I’m not the sweet girl next door I’m the crazy bitch down the street shirt

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Because of your thoughtful posts, I was able to compliment not just his effort but his grace in handling defeat and no matter the outcome he is always enough. I could see the weight of his worries lift off of his 9-year-old shoulders before my eyes. Oh my goodness, this brings tears to my eyes. I am so grateful to know that my words help you and him at that moment. This is everything to me. Blessings to you both. And even when you gave up, or didn’t keep your cool, stopped trying, stayed home, or stayed quiet. Buy it here:  I’m not the sweet girl next door I’m the crazy bitch down the street shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Irish woman the soul of a witch the fire of a lioness shirt

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You make me smile, he writes today. I see a return on his investment. There’s a man keeping a bedside vigil in a quiet hospital room. He wants his beloved to see a familiar face when she wakes. I won’t leave you, he pledges. Because investments of your time, presence, courage, and heart are of the priceless kind. But the pay off is often hard to see and doesn’t always come quickly enough, especially when your burdens are heavy and your eyes are weary. Buy it here:  Irish woman the soul of a witch the fire of a lioness shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Ursula poor unfortunate souls shirt

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Let your tears not be held back. My friends, I would love to see your catalog of beauty today as a tangible reminder that in the midst of struggle, despair, and negativity, there is so much better to see, feel, and spread. Your beautiful, messy, humorous, and meaningful stories and photos fill me with hope. I’ll get the glorious thread started with a photo of my daughter and “Nancy” in the first comment box. No one heard the buzzer after 20 minutes and no one came in. Buy it here:  Ursula poor unfortunate souls shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Dear parents your expectations of teachers should match shirt

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They are shared with the emotional maturity of the child in mind. While one of my daughters has an insatiable thirst for information and yearns for the difficult details, the other one has nightmares from sensitive subjects, so I keep this in mind when I decide how and what to share with each of them. When I am directly in the midst of a struggle, having a hard time managing my emotions, and feel like I might lose control, I will tell my children this: I’m having trouble talking right now, and I can’t talk right now because I feel very frustrated. Buy it here:  Dear parents your expectations of teachers should match shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Make America not a bunch of Whiny ass bitches again shirt

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One of my triggers is getting lost. I quickly start to unravel and my heart begins to race. My older daughter senses this and says, It’s ok, Mom. We can ask for help or Let’s pull over. We will figure this out together. I see this opportunity as a gift, not as a burden, to see that her mother is human and how she might self-sooth in the future when finds herself unraveling. This way of sharing my struggles is very different than the way it used to be when I’d be so emotionally distraught and stressed at that moment that I would scare my children. Buy it here:  Make America not a bunch of Whiny ass bitches again shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

1n73ll1g3nc3 15 7h3 4b1l17y 70 4d4p7 70 ch4ng3 shirt

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 In my first-ever online course, I will be breaking down the steps I used to ditch old, destructive habits so I could begin a new chapter of soul-centered joy that has impacted my family’s narrative in the most profound and positive way. You have crafted an incredibly thoughtful and insightful response to a comment from another post. Not only are you in tune with and responsive to your own family, but you are also responsive to your family here on social media. Buy it here:  1n73ll1g3nc3 15 7h3 4b1l17y 70 4d4p7 70 ch4ng3 shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Packers I kill you shirt

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I love careers that nurture my soul but don’t really pay the bills. I just love Avery! As a fellow musician, I have been part of the healing grace that music provides. Two weeks ago, I walked into a drug store to get a few items. I’d just left my sick cat at the vet, and there was a good chance I might lose him. In my despair, I was searching for a glimmer of hope. I noticed the extreme patience offered by the cashier to the elderly woman in front of me. Buy it here:  You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Packers I kill you shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

With a fuck fuck here and a fuck fuck there here a fuck shirt

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This message is so needed this time of year with all the school awards banquets and recognition given out. If our kids, and us for that matter, try our best then we do not really need accolades from others. In a way, my daughter is already a music therapist. She takes her guitar to nursing homes and also plays for small groups of girls where depression is prevalent. Buy it here:  With a fuck fuck here and a fuck fuck there here a fuck shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Kenneth not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault shirt

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A still, small voice summoned me to the couch where my then four-year-old daughter Avery sat watching The Lion King. In a moment of clarity, I’d pushed aside the distractions, the demands, and the world’s expectations to sit beside her in stillness. That’s when she picked up my hand and kissed my palm. My heart stopped beating and the world stood still. The feeling was indescribable. Life’s little victory. It never makes the headlines, but it’s far more important than the race. Buy it here:  Kenneth not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Say girl you look like a king take let me put a baby in ya shirt

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I was recently at a residential treatment center for depression and they used the term stay in your lane to encourage us to focus on our own recovery, and not compare to others. But ultimately, I knew this was not my life nor was it my timetable – it was hers. At 4:45, I arrived for pick up. I watched as much older and taller kids from her new team exited. For a moment, I envisioned the worst: kids plowing over my daughter, causing her to lose her breath and her confidence. But here she came, the last one out, walking at her typical leisurely pace. Buy it here:  Say girl you look like a king take let me put a baby in ya shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Cactus not a hugger shirt

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We love the growth mindset at our house! I wished I had these words before my daughter got in the car after a challenging night at dance practice. She was quiet, wouldn’t talk on our short ride home. Oh, I wish I hadn’t taken a break from Facebook this past week and missed all these poignant posts! Thankful I can read them anytime and be reminded to keep sharing and trying right along with my family. Buy it here:  Cactus not a hugger shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Snoop Dogg located on Woodstock shirt

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With eyes and heart wide open. Of all the posts that are on my FB feed, I always read yours there is never a time I can’t learn something new to help my 60yr old journey. Yours are the posts I look forward to the most. My tween daughter put our shopping cart up after a late evening grocery run after practice. She ran past two cart holders in the parking lot to a third one. I thought she hadn’t seen them in the dark, but she said she wanted it to be easier for the person bringing the carts back in. I was so proud of her thoughtfulness! Really, I can’t thank you enough over the years. Buy it here:  Snoop Dogg located on Woodstock shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Smash who I want ignore who I want neglect who I want shirt

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As I pray about the safety and wellbeing of my dear parents and so many precious people awaiting Irma, I am awake to the fragility and preciousness of life, and I am using this awareness for good. I started last night with a concert via FaceTime for my dad’s 78th birthday. As my 11-year-old-daughter finished up the last song, my mom made a request. Please know our family is praying for every single person affected by this devastating storm because we know that includes so many of you and people you love dearly. I am with you. Buy it here:  Smash who I want ignore who I want neglect who I want shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Roses are red people are fake I stay to myself shirt

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Seeing the world through their lens in the most literal sense is such an invitation to know them better. During a recent webinar on finding lost joy, an attendee bravely shared her struggle. She explained that she’d lost a lot of weight two years ago and has since gained it back. The book of yours I read last week put me in immediate action. I say your words every time the mean me wants to come out and every day is better and better. Buy it here:  Roses are red people are fake I stay to myself shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Just a mom out here trying not to raise assholes shirt

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 Thank you for reminding me about all that my husband is and does for me. It is such a gift to have those in our lives that know when to add wind to our sails or to help us change our course. Justin, you’ve been this for me more times than I can count be sure to read her intro text above the photo. Well done for getting through it! You are the one who thought through the situation and came up with a plan. You proved you can handle it! Love to my husband who has so many times stepped in help like this. Buy it here:  Just a mom out here trying not to raise assholes shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

People who don’t use essential oils make no frankincense shirt

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My daughter did the same folding routine with two shirts and one pair of jeans. Once she was finished, she took a look at the floor to make sure she left nothing behind. Satisfied, she walked out. Before it could be hastily cleared away and forgotten, I took a picture. The girl who prefers to stuff her clean clothes into her dresser drawers the girl who is not above picking up a shirt from off her bedroom floor to wear again believes in leaving things better than she finds them. Buy it here:  People who don’t use essential oils make no frankincense shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Kinda have baby fever kinda think I have to many kids already shirt

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I realized yesterday that I have Kinda have baby fever kinda think I have to many kids already shirt. I told my husband after dropping by Sarah’s band practice that I really felt bad because I wasn’t there with my full heart for her for her senior year of band. He said to me April we have been doing this for a long long time its ok that you are tired. But in my mind, I just wanted to be there for Sarah the way I was for her sister during band. I wanted to be excited about it. Not just tired. Buy it here:  Kinda have baby fever kinda think I have to many kids already shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Ace Ventura Pet Detective put me in coach shirt

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Bless her little heart and something I feel very passionately Ace Ventura Pet Detective put me in coach shirt! I work at a skilled nursing facility and while my position does not require direct patient interaction I make it a point out of my day while making my rounds to connect with the residents. Judging families for not visiting is very harsh. You do not know the family history or reasons behind their choices. Please remember not every relationship is sunshine and rainbows. Buy it here:  Ace Ventura Pet Detective put me in coach shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I can go from regular bitch to burn this whole mother fucker down shirt

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It’s no coincidence I can go from regular bitch to burn this whole mother fucker down shirt. What an impact, thank you for passing along. What a sweet, thoughtful, loving daughter you have. How fortunate for Annie to have her for a friend. As a child, I was so in awe of her, her hands, her stories, how different she was in such a beautiful way from all the able-bodied people that I knew. I could watch her and be w her all day long. And the other residents at the nursing home were so special too. Buy it here:  I can go from regular bitch to burn this whole mother fucker down shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Roughriders I kill you shirt

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They have so much loss and grief and You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Roughriders I kill you shirt. God bless you for being a ray of sunshine. My Mom was in a nursing home before she died last year at the age of 69 too young. But she had all of us visiting a lot. So many residents did not. There were many who sat there day in and day out without that connection being made. What a blessing you and your family are to this sweet lady. Your Annie looks like her twin. Buy it here:  You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you take my Roughriders I kill you shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Catchup with Jesus lettuce praise and relish him shirt

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She quickly noticed the cats’ feeding Catchup with Jesus lettuce praise and relish him shirt needed a good cleaning and could be much better organized. An hour later, there was a glowing floor, cat food cans were organized by flavor, water bowls were freshly filled, and a carefree smile had returned to my daughter’s face. Your heart is a wonderful guide. I am so happy to know I helped you articulate what you were feeling. I can see myself drifting toward tech to fill hours, and after reading this I realized how much more satisfying and fulfilling it would be to clean a cupboard, a closet or a drawer. Buy it here:  Catchup with Jesus lettuce praise and relish him shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/